Sabtu, Januari 16, 2010

Movie Quotes

Some movies are just too hard to forget.. Some movie quotes, that have always been my quotes everywhere..

The Godftaher :

"Leave the gun, take the connolly.."-Clemenze at Godtfather

"Don't you know that I would use all of my power to prevent something like that happening ?"-Michael Corleone

Meet Joe Black :

"Multiply it by infinity and take it to depth of forever, and you will still have barely a glimpse of what i'm talking about "-Joe Black

"Who are you Joe..?"

Lord Of the Ring :

"You have no power here, Gandalf"-

"Their armor is weak beneath the neck.. and beneath the arm"-Legolas

Yah.. beberapa film memang punya momen - momen yang gak bisa dilupakkan sampai quotenya pun selalu terngiang2..

Ah, satu lagi..

Inuyasha :

"Bakkaaaaa..!! "


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